- Arrival Window: Arrive for check-in no earlier than 2:00pm and no later than 3:45pm on the opening day of your session.
- Location: Park and proceed to the Cafeteria where our staff will welcome you and guide you through check-in.
What to Bring
- Luggage: Pack belongings by camper. Each camper’s luggage will go directly to their cabin.
- Paperwork: Bring any documents not yet submitted.
- Medications: Pack all medications (prescription and OTC) in original container and ready to be turned in to the nurse.
Check-In Stations
- Arrival Confirmation: We’ll check you in and confirm who’s on the approved pick-up list.
- Lice Screening: Campers will undergo a quick, discreet lice screening (campers with nits or live lice cannot remain at camp).
- Nurse Screening: The nurse will collect medications and review your camper’s health form and details.
Luggage Assistance
- After check-in, our staff will help you unload and sort your camper’s luggage, ensuring it gets to the right cabin. Campers’ belongings will be waiting for them upon arrival to the cabins.
- Campers will head to the Arts ‘n’ Crafts Shack to make a nametag.
- Keep goodbyes brief! Show your child confidence in their independence at camp. This will help them focus on the excitement ahead.