As I reflect on the summer of 2023, it is with immense gratitude and a sense of accomplishment that I write this post. Another season at Camp Hardtner has come to a close, and it was truly spectacular.
We witnessed personal growth, friendships blooming, and unforgettable moments that made this summer our biggest and best since returning after the COVID interruption.
THANK YOU to our incredible staff and dedicated volunteers. Your commitment to Camp’s mission and your tireless dedication, enthusiasm, and unwavering support of our campers are what make Camp Hardtner so special. From counselors to volunteers to nurses to kitchen staff, each person helped make camp a safe and enriching environment for our campers.
To our campers’ families, I want to express my sincere thanks for entrusting us with the care and development of your children. We understand the weight of this responsibility and are proud to have earned your trust over the years. Your support and faith in our program continue to motivate us to provide an exceptional camp experience. I hope that this summer has reinforced your confidence in us as a place where your children can learn, grow, and create memories that will last a lifetime.
This summer marked a significant and heartwarming moment for Camp Hardtner: the return of our Camp Able session. After a three-year hiatus we were overjoyed to welcome back the campers and volunteers who make that session so special. It reaffirmed our commitment to inclusivity and ensuring that everyone can experience the magic of Camp Hardtner.
As we face the year ahead, we carry with us the memories of laughter, self-confidence, and camaraderie. We anticipate the joy of reuniting with familiar faces next year and welcoming new additions to our Camp Hardtner family. We’re already counting down the days until we can be back together for another summer filled with fun, friendship, and boundless joy.

Stay tuned for upcoming announcements of the summer 2024 session calendar!
Peace, Love, and Milk & Cookies,
Daniel Chapman
Director – Camp Hardtner